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Can You Drive With A Cracked Windshield?

Nov 4

Driving down the highway can be a scary thing. On one side you have cars and trucks whizzing by at high rates of speed, and on the other side, there is nothing but flat land or sometimes even a cliff! These conditions are only made worse by the fact that your windshield may be cracked, scratched, or broken.

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Is it Safe to Drive With a Cracked Windshield?

Not knowing whether your windshield will cause serious problems while driving could leave you needing an auto glass replacement in addition to repairs for any damage caused by driving with a cracked windshield.

The Problem With Driving                

 The main problem that causes many people to say that it's not safe to drive with a cracked or chipped windshield is the damage that could occur if the windshield cracks even more while driving. If a large enough piece of glass detaches from your windshield, it's possible for it to come flying through your window and injure you or someone in your vehicle.

The Risk of Cracking Even More

     Another reason people say that you shouldn't drive with a chipped or cracked windshield is because of the possibility that the chip or crack may grow larger while you're on the road.

While some chips and cracks do grow gradually over time, it's also possible for them to become worse very quickly without any warning signs. This sudden shattering can cause all sorts of issues and will likely result in an auto glass replacement instead of just repairs.

Your Auto Glass Replacement Options

           If your windshield shatters while you're driving, it's important for you to get the windshield replaced as quickly as possible. By waiting to get this problem fixed, you could be putting yourself and other drivers in danger.

Most auto glass replacements are completed in one day with an auto glass replacement company, but some companies will allow you to wait up to four days before having the replacement done. Roadside assistance may cover the cost of a tow truck when getting your car taken care of is necessary

If your windshield has already shattered unexpectedly or cracked too much for repairs then it's time for an auto glass replacement. You need to know that your new windshield won't shatter while driving on the road again under similar circumstances. With a new windshield, you won't have to worry about the concern of whether it's safe to drive with a cracked windshield.

Is It Safe To Drive With A Cracked Windshield?

The short answer is: No, driving with a cracked or chipped windshield isn't safe. Driving with a crack in your windshield can cause it to shatter and be very dangerous for yourself and other drivers on the road. Unfortunately, most insurance companies won't cover the cost of the auto glass replacement unless you were side-swiped or something along those lines. It can be hard to get around this issue but there are many reputable mobile windshield replacement companies that will come right to your location and fix your car while you wait! Is no need to risk driving with a chip in the windshield when Auto Glass Replacement companies are ready to help you.

 However, if your windshield is very small, it may be difficult to justify the cost of replacement. If you've had your windshield repaired already several times or if your insurance company has denied coverage for an auto glass replacement in the past, then it may not make sense to replace the windshield again with an Auto Glass Replacement Company.

Please check out our friends at car-windshields for more helpful articles and information on Driving With A Cracked Windshield. Do we hope that this article was helpful when wondering Is It Safe To Drive With A Cracked Windshield? Thank you! When reading up about auto glass repair, please note that some people refer to this as auto glass replacement in San Diego since many companies offer both services. Please let us know in the comments below.


           If your car has already shattered for whatever reason then it's likely that the cost of replacing the windshield will be covered by your insurance company. However, if you've had many chips repaired in the past and are still driving with a crack in your windshield, then it may be best to just get an auto glass repair instead of having an auto glass replacement again.

It makes sense to drive with a chipped or cracked windshield since they can grow fast and cause greater damage without warning. A simple fix at first could turn into major problems later on if not replaced soon after getting a small chip or crack in your windshield. You never know when this problem may occur and it is better to be safe than sorry about this issue.

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